ASBM Journal of Management

Publication Policy

The journal’s publication policy revolves around high ethical standards, professionalism and qualitative publication. The Editorial Board adheres to ethical principles in all activities related to the journal – publication decision, fair play, peer review, editorial responsibilities, confidentiality and standards expected of the reviewers and the authors.

The ethics policy of ASBM Journal of Management follows the European Code of Conduct for Research Journals and the Committee on Publication Ethics.


Authorship gives credit and implies accountability for a published work. All persons who have made significant contribution to an article should be cited as authors. Others having contributed to the work should be acknowledged. All the authors share responsibility and accountability jointly and severally for the results of the published work. The current institutional affiliations of all the authors should be mentioned.

In case of more than one author, one of them should be chosen as the Corresponding Author. She/ he will handle all correspondence about the article, will decide the order of appearance of the names of the authors, and will ensure the correctness of their institutional affiliations and contact details.

Any request for change in authorship post-submission should be made with cogent reasons and with the consent of all the authors including those being added or removed. It may be considered only in exceptional circumstances and will be subject to the Editor’s discretion. No request for change will be considered after publication.

Research Results

Authors must be honest in presenting the results and conclusions of their research. Fabrication, falsification or selective reporting of data with the intent to mislead or deceive is unethical, as is the theft of data or research results from others. It is obligatory for the authors to retain the data for a reasonable period following publication and make it available upon request.


Plagiarism, i.e., reproducing text from other articles/ papers without properly crediting the source, is not tolerated. Similarly, authors must not present results obtained by others as if they were their own. They are expected to duly acknowledge the work of others used in their research and cite publications that have influenced the direction and course of their study.

This journal also does not accept self-plagiarism, i.e., producing more than one paper with almost the same content by the same author(s).

If plagiarism is discovered after publication, we will follow our guidance outlined in the Corrections and retractions section.

Peer Review

All the manuscripts are subjected to rigorous review to maintain the quality of publication. The particulars are outlined below.

  • Manuscripts with contents outside the scope of the journal or submitted simultaneously to different journals are not taken into consideration for review.
  • All the manuscripts are subjected to blind peer review. The process is confidential and so the identity of the reviewers cannot be revealed.
  • The editors and the reviewers involved in the review process are expected to disclose conflicts of interest resulting from any competitive, collaborative, or other relationships with the author(s). In such cases, the concerned editors/ reviewers should recuse from the review process in the interest of objective evaluation.
  • All manuscripts are treated as confidential by the editors and the reviewers. Any privileged information or ideas gained through peer review must not be used by them for competitive gain.
  • All publication decisions are made by the Editor on the basis of the review reports. Authors of papers that are not accepted are notified promptly.

Competing Interests

Competing or conflicting interests can influence opinion, perception, or decision and thereby the integrity of a publication. Hence, all the authors, reviewers and editors must declare any conflicting or competing interests relating to an article.

Corrections and Retractions

If, after publication, a small part of an otherwise reliable work is found to be misleading specially because of honest error, the journal will issue errata specifying the corrections. Errata will also be issued if the author list omits a deserving author or includes somebody who does not meet authorship criteria.

The journal will issue retraction in the following cases of major misconduct:

  • clear evidence of the findings being unreliable due to misconduct (e.g. data fabrication, falsification etc.) or honest error (e.g. miscalculation, experimental error etc.);
  • redundant publication, i.e., the findings already published elsewhere without proper cross reference, permission or justification;
  • plagiarism; and
  • unethical research.

All the authors have an obligation to cooperate with the journal by promptly informing retractions or correction of errors in published works. Further, the journal reserves the right to initiate other action, such as refusing to consider an author’s future work for a given period or permanently, depending upon the gravity of the situation.

Allegations of Misconduct

Allegations of misconduct and appeals against the decision of the Editor may be addressed to the publisher, i.e., the President of ASBM University at