ASBM Journal of Management

Publication Policy

Publisher and Copyright

ASBM Journal of Management is published by ASBM University, Shiksha Vihar, Bhola (Chandaka), ASBM University P.O., Bhubaneswar 754 012 (India). The copyright of the journal vests in ASBM University and all rights are reserved.


ASBM Journal of Management publishes research based articles (both empirical and conceptual), case studies, and book reviews devoted to studies on management, social sciences and related disciplines.

The basic objective of the journal is to disseminate innovative ideas and research results in different aspects of management, and thereby to contribute to management practice. It also aims at bringing academics closer to industry by developing congruence between theory and practice.


ASBM Journal of Management is a bi-annual publication and is published since 2008.

Ethics Policy

The journal’s publication policy revolves around high ethical standards, professionalism, and qualitative publication. The journal’s ethical considerations are outlined in an elaborate Ethics Policy presented separately.

Publication Decision

Publication decision is based on originality of the article, clarity of thought, validity and relevance of the study, contribution to the discipline and review comments, subject to the scope and objectives of the journal. The editors scrupulously follow the tenets of fair play and the manuscripts are evaluated without any consideration to the authors’ caste, creed, community, nationality, gender, religion, ethnic origin, citizenship etc. Legal requirements, such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism, are of course taken into consideration.

Review Policy

All the articles received for publication are subjected to blind peer review. The authors remain unknown to the reviewers and so are the reviewers to the authors. The journal also does not publish or divulge the names of its reviewers. Confidentiality is maintained and the review comment is informed to none other than the corresponding author.

Responsibilities of the Editor

Publication decision is taken by the Editor in consultation with the editorial team. Ultimately, it is the Editor who remains accountable for anything that is published in the journal. She/ he is bound by the publication policy of the journal and the principles of fair play.

It is the responsibility of the Editor to give constructive suggestions on the manuscripts, in addition to the review comments, regarding content, form of presentation, language, reference etc. Thereby the journal helps the authors – specially the new authors – to improve the quality of their work. The Editor and the editorial staff maintain strict confidentiality about the manuscripts received for publication and do not disclose any information to anybody other than the corresponding author, the reviewers, the editorial team, and the publisher, as appropriate.

The manuscripts received by the journal are regarded as privileged information. The Editor and the editorial team are expressly prohibited from using such information for their own research and publication without express permission of the author and due acknowledgement. Thereby the journal avoids any conflict of interest.

Responsibilities of the Reviewers/ Referees

The basic responsibility of the reviewers/ referees is to assess the manuscript referred to them with objective standards and thereby help the Editor take decision regarding publication. They are requested to give specific and constructive comments, so that the quality of the article can be improved, if possible.

If any referee/ reviewer feels constrained to review the research reported in a manuscript or has any other constraint, she/ he should promptly withdraw from the review process. She/ he should also avoid conflict of interest by treating the manuscript as confidential and by not using any privileged information therein for her/ his own research and publication.

Responsibilities of the Authors

The detailed guidelines for the authors are given in a separate document. They are advised to submit for publication their original research work, subject to the guidelines of the journal. They must ensure that the submitted article is originally written by them without any plagiarism whatsoever. They must appropriately cite all referenced material and also acknowledge any concept or idea that has been borrowed from other publications or has influenced their work. Underlying data must be correct and must be represented accurately in the article.

The authors must avoid multiple, concurrent or redundant publication. The same article must not be submitted to more than one journal simultaneously, nor should the same research be used to write more than one article.

If and when an author discovers any significant error or inaccuracy in her/ his own article published in ASBM Journal of Management, she/ he must forthwith inform the Editor and cooperate with the journal to retract or correct the publication.


ASBM Journal of Management has a dedicated website – It displays relevant information about the journal, including Publication Policy, Ethics Policy, Archive, Guidelines for the Authors, Paper Submission etc. The archive presents the abstracts of the articles published in each issue.

Publication Fee

No publication or processing fee is charged from the authors. Further, it is understood that the papers/articles are provided by the authors on a voluntary basis for professional recognition through publication and so no royalty or remuneration is payable by the Editor/ Publisher.

Use of Material Published in the Journal

Except as authorised by the publishers, no part of the material published in this journal may be used, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means or stored in any retrieval system. The author(s) and the journal should be acknowledged and the source should be mentioned clearly when any reference is made to any material published herein.


The views expressed, and the information furnished, in the articles and other material published in this journal are those of the respective contributors. Neither ASBM Journal of Management nor ASBM University assumes responsibility for, or necessarily agrees with, such views and information.

Although every care is taken to avoid errors or omissions, this publication is sold and circulated on the condition and understanding that the information given in this journal is merely for reference and must not be taken as having the authority of or binding in any way on the author(s), editors, publishers, and sellers, who do not owe any responsibility for any damage or loss to any person, a purchaser of this publication or not, for the result of any action taken based on such work.


  • Publication of articles and editorial matters:
    • The Editor, ASBM Journal of Management, ASBM University, Shiksha Vihar, Bhola (Chandaka), ASBM University P.O., Bhubaneswar 754 012, India;
    • E-Mail Id:; Phone: 0674 – 2374811/01/02/03/0
  • Subscription and circulation:
    • The Circulation Manager, ASBM Journal of Management, ASBM University, Shiksha Vihar, Bhola (Chandaka), ASBM University P.O., Bhubaneswar 754 012, India;
    • E-mail Id:; Phone: 0674 – 2374832/33/01/02/03/04/05

Jurisdiction of the Courts

All disputes regarding ASBM Journal of Management are subject to the jurisdiction of the courts at Bhubaneswar only.